Abortion and Criminal Justice Bill

Thank you for contacting me about abortion and the Criminal Justice Bill.

I completely understand what an incredibly emotive issue abortion is, and I appreciate the strength of feelings on both sides. It is for this reason that, as with other matters of conscience, the Government adopts a neutral stance on abortion and allows Conservative MPs to vote freely according to their moral, ethical, or religious beliefs. This is a convention which I support wholeheartedly.

I note your views about certain amendments which were tabled to the Criminal Justice Bill regarding abortion. These amendments, and all other provisions made in this Bill, were due to be discussed as it progressed through both Houses.

However, as you will know, the House of Commons was prorogued on Friday 24 May, and there has been insufficient parliamentary time to progress the Bill.  Therefore, the Criminal Justice Bill has lapsed and it will be a decision for the next Government on whether to proceed with the measures within the legislation.